Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Boo hoo hoo: Brazil, why does the world hate you so?

So Brazil is whining about Turistas.

Brazilians should really sit down and consider why they are so disliked in the world. What have they done to make them so hated? Is it that they have spurned the Will of Allah? That they let their women run around without burkas? That their women and men expose all sorts of body parts that the Qur’an (Koran, for you infidels) clearly states are not meant to be seen in public? Perhaps it's their support of the Zionist entity that is occupying Palestine? Their tolerance of the Jewish cabal that is trying to sell the false promise of biofuels and so reduce the use of petroleum – God’s resource and gift found predominantly in countries that are against US hegemony - and so impoverish the very peoples resisting the licentious type of fun-loving US-Brazilian culture complex sold to the world's unknowing millions? Is it because they tolerate - and even promote - the homosexual-Jewish agenda to spread Shakira and Sandy and that infamous Caetano Veloso and his Menino do Rio homoerotic sensuality in order to corrupt third world youth - youth that will be misled from following the righteous path of Sharia?

If Brazil is disliked in the world, it only has itself to blame.

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